Legal notice
Pº Ubarburu, 63 · Polígono Industrial 27 (Martutene) · 20014 Donostia - San Sebastián
Phones: +34 943 45 64 11 / +34 943 45 67 66 · Fax: +34 943 471 790
Tax ID No.: B20470472
The website is set up to provide information on the services offered by Barrene and to afford users the possibility of requesting information on these services or raising queries.
Barrene does not assume liability for any links to third-party websites appearing on, as it exercises no control over these links, whereby users access this content under their own responsibility and under the conditions of use that govern these sites.
Barrene does not guarantee the accuracy of the content of this website. Under no circumstances will Barrene be held liable for damages or detriment, whether direct or indirect, deriving from the use of the information provided on this website. Moreover, Barrene accepts no responsibility for any damages, or viruses that might infect your computer or other devices as a result of the use of or downloading of any website content.
All information not held to be personal data that is voluntarily afforded to Barrene via Internet (including observations, suggestions, ideas, images, etc.) will become the exclusive property of Barrene and the company will hold unrestricted rights of use, without giving rise to any indemnity, payable to it or any other party. Such information will not be considered confidential. Barrene reserves the right, without giving prior warning, to make the modifications it deems appropriate on the website, being empowered to change, remove or add both content and services and alter the manner in which they appear on screen and where they appear. In any event, relations with users will be governed by the applicable regulations at the precise time of access.
© Barrene. All rights reserved.
BARRENE, S.L. · Pº Ubarburu, 63 · Polígono Industrial 27 (Martutene) · 20014 Donostia - San Sebastián
Phones: +34 943 45 64 11 / +34 943 45 67 66 · Fax: +34 943 471 790